FLEXICURITY; Jan Edling; Stensängsvägen 2 141 37 Huddinge SWEDEN +46705492582; jan.edling@flexicurity.se; KOMMENTERA VIA E-MAIL. Jag har valt att inte publicera
Current EU level documents see flexicurity as a guidance for structural reforms. However, the European flexicurity initiatives seem never to have had much impact in Denmark and the Netherlands. There are few accounts of the recent adjustment to the flexicurity models, be it at the EU or at national levels.
Thus, the flexicurity concept was relatively vague. This vagueness was one of the reasons of its success. Since flexicurity began to be promoted by the Commission, most member states did not appear to be very enthusiastic about it. Only Denmark and Austria (the two countries that were in charge of EU’s presidency in 2006) supported the approach. EU cannot afford to miss out on flexicurity Employment ministers are this week (5-6 December) seeking to define common principles for ‘flexicurity’, a series of labour market reforms which aim at helping Europe remain competitive in a tough international environment.
21 jan. 2019 — Flexicurity förenar flexibilitet på arbetsmarknaden (”flexibility”) med ett socialt skyddsnät vid arbetslöshet (”security”). Danskarna menar att n 5 okt. 2007 — EU:s ekonomi- och finansministrars Ekofinråd sammanträder den 9 Frågan om flexibilitet och trygghet på arbetsmarknaden (Flexicurity) ”EU:s lagstiftande kompetens på arbetsmarknadsområdet är begränsat” Altinget nätverk: Flexicurity i Danmark – något vi kan lära av i Sverige? 7 dec.
Flexicurity has been a core concept in the EU's employment debates as of 2006 and was codified into common principles of flexicurity in December 2007.
The European Commission (in its June 2007 Communication[[Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security]]) defines flexicurity as “a comprehensive approach to labour market policy, which combines sufficient flexibility in contractual arrangements – to allow firms and employees to cope with change – with the provision of security for workers to stay in their jobs or … Although linguistically somewhat strange, “flexicurity”, the combination of labour market flexibility and security for employees, has become a much praised cornerstone of European labour The concept of flexicurity has been based on a notion that robust active labour market policies, lifelong learning investment and modern social security systems can ensure security of employment and income, even if contractual arrangements become more flexible and job transitions more frequent, as required by the rapidly evolving economic context. Discussing labour market reforms and the of the formulation of an EU flexicurity concept, a decade ago (see section 2.1). Developments to the concept reflect a continuous search for combining flexible with reliable contracts and developing a new role for social security, being “modern”, sustainable, and adequate throughout the life‐cycle of citizens. Flexicurity, first developed as a labour market policy in the Nordic countries, has been endorsed by EU leaders and the European Commission as a way of solving the Union's employment problem.
EU cannot afford to miss out on flexicurity Employment ministers are this week (5-6 December) seeking to define common principles for ‘flexicurity’, a series of labour market reforms which aim at helping Europe remain competitive in a tough international environment.
In the mid‐2000s, the flexicurity concept was developed into a key EU policy concept. It drew its inspiration from the Danish and Dutch practices to combine labor market flexibility and security. However, the crisis' focus on bringing down national deficits and debts left little room to advance the concept. Introduction The member states of the European Union (EU), as well as the EU itself, are confronted with a ‘double bind’, that can be summed up as the flexibility-security nexus (Wilthagen, 2002). On one hand, there is the demand for increased flexibility in order to reinforce the competitive power and performance of companies, sectors, countries Den danska flexicurity-modellen förenar hög grad av flexibilitet på arbetsmarknaden (”flexibility”) med ett socialt skyddsnät vid arbetslöshet (”security”).
2011 — Flexicurity stod i centrum och offentlig upphandling vållade het debatt. Flexicurity-begreppet kom igen i yttrandet: EU krisåtgärder och
26 nov. 2010 — EU-kommissionen föreslår en flexicuritymodell för arbetsmarknaden. Inriktningen ska vara att öka andelen fast anställda genom att tillämpa
FLEXICURITY står för flexibilitet som bärs fram av trygghet i förändringen. ”Flexicurity-modellen” var uppfunnen och långt innan EU-kommissionen tagit till sig
Flexicurity och utvecklingsavtalet. ♤ av.
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Current EU level documents see flexicurity as a guidance for structural reforms. However, the European flexicurity initiatives seem never to have had much impact in Denmark and the Netherlands.
2010-10-15. Sammanfattning. Inom EU formuleras sysselsättningspolitiska ambitioner. 13 feb.
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Idag presenterar Sven Otto Littorin Sveriges modell för flexicurity på ett europaseminarium. En politik med många frågetecken. Framför allt råder det delade meningar om regeringens politik stämmer överens med den modell som diskuteras på europeisk nivå. Under några år har det inom EU pågått en debatt om flexicurity.
2017 — Men vi varnar för urholkad arbetsrätt med det okritiska anammandet av en flexibel arbetsmarknad kännetecknad av Flexicurity, skriver två EU- The 'Common Principles of Flexicurity' endorsed by the European Council on 14 December 2007 and the Commission Communication entitled 'New skills for 11 aug. 2011 — Flexicurity stod i centrum och offentlig upphandling vållade het debatt.
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Apr 24, 2014 Jesper Kronborg, Attorney-at-law at the law firm Magnusson Law, explains about the labour market and the Danish flexicurity system which
Flexicurity 3.1. Flexicurity and Agency Work.