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The Whirlpool freestanding range features AccuBake® temperature management system, Eco-Friendly Schott Ceran® cooktop and a large oven window.

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This is how to unlock a Schott Ceran hob permanently (until someone locks it again).

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A sleek and modern 4-Zone Radiant 60cm Cooktop that delivers stylish aesthetics and superior cooking performance. Features premium bevelled edges and an elegant black ceran surface that is easy to clean.

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SCHOTT CERAN® Wir möchten Sie zu Ihrer Entscheidung für eine echte SCHOTT CERAN® Kochflä che beglückwünschen. Sie besitzen nun ein Original aus dem Hause SCHOTT – dem weltweit führenden Hersteller von. Glaskeramik – und damit ein Produkt allerhöchster Qualität und langer Lebens dauer. Damit Sie an Ihrer neuen Koch.

To achieve the best possible cooking results, you should use stainless-steel or steel enamel cookware. A pot made of this material has a slightly concave base when cold and fits perfectly onto … 2013-04-11 Whirlpool 60cm 4-Zone Radiant Cooktop. eco-friendly glass ceramic panels Features premium bevelled edges and an elegant black ceran surface that is easy to Our induction hobs are manufactured using eco-friendly SCHOTT CERAN glass ceramic panels, a testament to our sustainability policy.